Last 30 Days Jun 24, 2003 through Jul 23, 2003 |
Climate Division |
Total Rainfall |
Departure from Normal |
Pct of Normal |
Driest since |
Wettest since |
Rank since 1921 (83 periods) |
Percentile Ranking |
Driest on Record |
Wettest on Record |
Panhandle |
1.20" |
-1.35" |
47 % |
2001 (1.11") |
2002 (2.21") |
11th driest |
13th |
0.27" (1934) |
6.88" (1950) |
North Central |
0.82" |
-2.31" |
26 % |
2001 (0.62") |
2002 (2.66") |
9th driest |
11th |
0.20" (1974) |
6.22" (1997) |
Northeast |
3.75" |
+0.32" |
109 % |
2002 (1.90") |
2000 (5.23") |
34th wettest |
60th |
0.07" (1980) |
9.15" (1959) |
West Central |
0.77" |
-1.72" |
31 % |
2001 (0.48") |
2002 (2.07") |
11th driest |
13th |
0.06" (1980) |
6.94" (1950) |
Central |
1.43" |
-1.55" |
48 % |
1998 (0.77") |
2002 (2.19") |
16th driest |
19th |
0.11" (1980) |
8.55" (1950) |
East Central |
2.08" |
-1.27" |
62 % |
1998 (1.97") |
2002 (2.83") |
25th driest |
30th |
0.14" (1978) |
8.76" (1961) |
Southwest |
1.93" |
-0.65" |
75 % |
2001 (0.23") |
2002 (2.93") |
37th driest |
45th |
0.01" (1980) |
5.88" (1950) |
South Central |
1.43" |
-1.54" |
48 % |
1998 (0.10") |
2002 (2.88") |
23rd driest |
28th |
0.06" (1934) |
7.78" (1948) |
Southeast |
2.89" |
-0.86" |
77 % |
2001 (2.58") |
2002 (3.14") |
38th driest |
46th |
0.33" (1980) |
9.15" (1953) |
Statewide |
1.81" |
-1.22" |
60 % |
2001 (1.41") |
2002 (2.51") |
20th driest |
24th |
0.18" (1980) |
7.23" (1950) |
Graphics (click to enlarge) |
Total Precip
Normal Precip
Pct Normal